Press Release Details
PVezRack by Clenergy: Ideal Choice for 2MW Commercial Solar Project with its Exceptional Structural Integrity
Clenergy’s reputation for excellence in structural engineering has once again been recognised with the selection of its innovative solar mounting system, PVezRack, as the preferred choice for a new 2MW commercial solar installation in Melbourne, Australia. This latest success reflects the company’s commitment to providing high-quality and robust solutions to the renewable energy industry while highlighting the importance of structural engineering in solar projects.
The innovative installation, consisting of PVezRack Tilt and the Tripod system, prioritises structural integrity and stability, specifically in mitigating the effects of wind actions. Given the installation altitude of 1,516 meters, addressing this aspect is crucial to ensuring optimal performance and safety.
Wind loading is crucial when designing and installing photovoltaic (PV) systems on roofs or ground mounts. The Australian standard AS 1170.2:2021 – Structural Design Actions – Part 2: Wind Actions encompasses provisions for determining wind loads on buildings and structures, including PV mounting systems. The 2021 edition of the standard supersedes the previous edition, AS 1170.2:2011.
“Structural engineering plays a crucial role in the success of any solar project, as it ensures that the mounting system is designed to withstand all site-specific conditions and accurately calculates the pressure values that are applied to the solar panels and roof.
Neglecting or insufficient structural engineering can result in higher pressure values that were unaccounted for, which apart from the obvious structural failure, can also lead to micro-fractures on the panels, which can then lead to a decrease in power generation.
“Hence, proper attention to structural engineering is critical for optimal performance and longevity of the PV system.” said Ivanross Gomez, Technical Manager of Clenergy.
SolarTripod™ is specially designed for easy and quick installation of PV panels on flat roofs and surfaces. Compatible with most of the major framed and frameless PV modules on the market, the triangular design provides a simple, robust and sturdy base for the system. There are two options for panel placement, a fixed angle or an adjustable support that ranges from 15 to 30 degrees. This product can withstand even the harshest and most corrosive environments, owing to its stainless steel or aluminium materials.
The short film “Greenwood Solutions Showcases Clenergy’s Tripod & Adjustable Tilts” is available here.
About Clenergy
Founded in Melbourne, Australia, with offices and factories across China, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand and Germany, Clenergy is an enabler for governments, the public sector & enterprises seeking carbon neutrality. We believe in a sustainable, clean energy-powered future. We continue to reinvent our approach and innovate through our technology and service to reach this mission.
For more information, please contact:
Samir Jacob
Global Marketing Manager
Phone: +61 3 9239 8088 Ext. 180
Mobile: +61 414 303 093
Email: [email protected]