
PV-ezRack®/MOUNTING SYSTEM/Ground Series/Post Mount/PostMount – A Series



Robust Pole Mount System with Adjustable Angle for One, Two, Three, Four, Six and Eight Panels

PostMount 1-A, 2-A, 3-A and 4-A

The PV-ezRack® PostMount delivers

  • Flexible and durable designs to mount from one to four panels per post.
  • It’s ideal for remote off-grid applications such as water pumps or small residential and commercial systems.
  • The panel tilt is easily adjustable between 10° and 60° throughout the year
  • Hassle-free mounting thanks to patented components such as the PV-ezRack® rails and clamps.

The combination of high-quality aluminium, stainless steel and galvanised steel components make this a robust, reliable system with excellent corrosion resistance.

Banner Image Courtesy: RACV Solar

PostMount 6-A and 8-A

PV-ezRack PostMount-A delivers

  • Flexible and durable designs to mount six or eight panels per post.
  • It is ideal for remote off-grid applications such as water pumps or small residential and commercial systems.
  • The panel tilt is easily adjustable between 10° and 60° throughout the year
  • Hassle-free mounting thanks to patented components such as the PV-ezRack rails and clamps.

The combination of high-quality aluminium, stainless steel and galvanised steel components make this a robust, reliable system with excellent corrosion resistance.

Product Details

Product Details

Key Benefits

Suitable for Every Soil Condition

With its concrete foundation, the PostMount can be installed on even or uneven ground or on a slope, making it suitable for any soil type and a wide range of applications.

Adjustable Tilt Angle

The steel cap (post head) is designed to tilt panels between 10° and 60° to ensure that you get the required power output you need - anywhere, anytime. Changing the angle merely requires a single pair of spanners.

Robust and Reliable

Mounted on aluminium rails the panels are supported by robust galvanised steel landscape and master tubes secured with stainless steel bolts. The post can be fixed into a concrete foundation and also used as a ramming option.

Quick and Easy Installation

Innovative and internationally patented, the Z-Module technology is used in almost all PV-ezRack components. The Z-Module provides a quick, easy and safe installation method and can be inserted into the rail at any given point, secured with just three hand grips.


Install PV-ezRack PostMount 1 A for Solar Panel

Install PV-ezRack PostMount 1 A for 72 Cell or Larger XL Solar Panel

Install PV-ezRack PostMount 2 A 3 A for 72 Cell or Larger XL Solar Panels

Install PV-ezRack PostMount 4 A 6 A for 72 Cell or Larger XL Solar Panels

Clenergy donates PostMounts to Wildfire Orphanage After Australian Bushfire


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Universal Clamp


Adjustable Tube 70 50 394 ER-RT-70394

Adjustable Tube 70*50*394

ER-RT-70/394 (PM3-A, PM4-A)

Adjustable Tube 100 50 576 ER-RT-100 576

Adjustable Tube 100*50*576

ER-RT-100/576 (PM6-A, PM8-A)

Rectangular Tube-Master 70 70 ER-RT-70

Rectangular Tube-Master 70*70


Rectangular Tube Master ER-RT-100

Rectangular Tube Master


Rectangular Tube Landscape ER-RT-50

Rectangular Tube Landscape


M6-A&PM8-A Rectangular Tube Landscape ER-RT-70 3170

PM6-A&PM8-A Rectangular Tube Landscape


Steel Cap Assembly SC-PM2 3 4 A 2

Steel Cap Assembly


Steel Cap Assembly ER-SC-PM6 PM8

Steel Cap Assembly

ER-SC-PM6/PM8 (PM6-A, PM8-A)


ECO Rail, length 2100mm


PostMount 1-A Kit ER-AP-PM1A

PostMount 1-A Kit


Pole ER-P-83 24 PM1A



Pipe ER-P-1022600

Pipe Diameter Φ102*260/


Pipe ER-P-152 3000



Angle Bracket 75 45 550 ER-AB-75

Angle Bracket 75*45*550

ER-AB-75/45/550, PM4-A

Angle Bracket AB-75 45 550-LP

Angle Bracket



Grounding Lug EZ-GL-ST with Copper Pipe

Grounding Lug, with Copper Pipe


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