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Clenergy at All-Energy Australia 2019 01

Top 5 Highlights from Clenergy at All-Energy Australia 2019

Australia’s largest national renewable energy event, All-Energy, ended successfully at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. It was a very impressive event, mainly showcasing our advanced, innovative and high-quality rooftop and ground-mount solar mounting systems.

Clenergy has been committed to the research and development of innovative products and solutions since its establishment. Once again, we exhibited new solar mounting systems and solutions intended for the Australian market this year, ranging from PV-ezRack ezShade, PV-ezRack Commercial Tilt to ezClick Tin and Tile Feet. Additionally, Clenergy took on an entirely new look by incorporating a double-booth design.

See below for the top 5 highlights from Clenergy during this two-day event.

Highlight #1-PV-ezRack ezShade
PV-ezRack ezShade is a new ground-mounted system developed for landscape module installations, which offers shelter for parking. Manufactured using anodised aluminium, ezShade’s main features are durability, fast installation, watertight performance, and system earthing (earthing continuity).

Clenergy ezShade at All-Energy Australia 2019

This mounting system is ideal for environments with high wind speed and snow loads and other tough environments. Both single bay and double bay solutions are available for your choice. Compared to its counterparts, ezShade is a far more economical solution, which achieves cost-effectiveness without compromising its appearance.

Highlight #2-PV-ezRack Commercial Tilt
PV-ezRack Commercial Tilt is another newly developed universal mounting system for PV installations on all common commercial tin roofs. It boasts easy, quick installation and optimized energy output, with the tilting angle of PV panels ranging from 5°, 10° and 15°.

This roof mounting system is perfect for large-scale commercial projects. Two different solutions are available for your selection, namely, MT Rail + T-Rails + Legs for tin roofs with a large purlin span over 3m and L-feet + ECO Rails + new Legs with a flexibly adjustable height range.

Highlight #3 ezClick Tin Feet & ezClick Tile Feet
As is well-known, one of the top benefits of Clenergy solar mounting solutions is easy and quick installation. This year, Clenergy displayed two brand-new quick installation solutions at the All-Energy event, both of which enable the rails to just click in.

ezClick tin feet is a quick installation solution intended for PV-ezRack® SolarRoof™- Universal Roof Mounting System. It is suitable for both commercial and industrial projects.

Watch this video to learn more.

ezClick Tile Feet

Likewise, ezClick tile feet is another quick installation solution developed for

PV-ezRack® SolarRoof™- Universal Roof Mounting System. It is suitable for residential projects.

Watch this video to learn more.

Highlight #4 Solar Cars
Apart from its commitment to solar mounting systems, Clenergy has been implementing sustainability and environmentally friendly practices for a greener and better world.

Clenergy stood out as the only exhibitor with a solar car, which was invented by the well-renowned University of Queensland. Solar-powered car racing is one of the most comprehensive and influential solar-powered competitions of its kind in the world. It is part of the global eco-friendly events that Clenergy has been sponsoring over the past decade. Thus far, Clenergy has sponsored solar vehicle teams in the World Solar Challenge from such countries as Australia, Japan and Malaysia.

Clenergy Solar Car at All-Energy Australia 2019

Highlight #5 Three Representatives among 200 World-class Speakers
This year’s event featured more than 200 speakers, and Clenergy Australia had three representatives.

Vince Mobilio (VP Sales and Marketing, Australia and Oceania), spoke at the Commercial Solar session, focusing on the topic of Australia Border Force in the context of escalating global trade tensions. If you would like to gain more information about Australia Border Force regarding the solar industry, you may contact Vince Mobilio at [email protected].

Aurore Pont (Operations Manager) made it into the Clean Energy Council’s Women in Renewables annual luncheon, focusing on the topic of How to Increase Gender Diversity in the Workplace. Participation of women has become a trending topic in the renewable energy sector. If you are interested in this topic, feel free to contact Aurore Pont at [email protected].

Geza Anderson (Manager of Engineering Services), has been working for Clenergy for over 10 years. He has just been awarded a Certificate of 10 Years of Service. Geza Anderson spoke at a Masterclass on medium and commercial solar, centered on the topic of The Basics of Small and Medium-size Ground Mount Systems. Check it out here.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all visitors that joined Clenergy at All-Energy Australia. Thank you for your continued support. See you next year!

Clenergy at All-Energy Australia 2019 02