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Clenergy Launches its PV String Joint Box in Japan
Clenergy, the global solar solutions provider, recently announced the launch of its PV String Joint Box (SJB series) into the Japanese market. Compliant with international standards, the multifunctional intelligent SJB series delivers “high quality coupled with outstanding performance in a competitively priced package,” said Mr. Hisashi Matika, SJB Product Manager at Clenergy.
String joint boxes, or combiner boxes, are used to aggregate the output of multiple strings of PV-String joint boxes, or combiner boxes, are used to aggregate the output of multiple strings of PV modules for connection to the solar inverter. Clenergy’s new SJB series brings benefits including real-time monitoring, data collection and transmission. Further features include lightning protection, failure warnings and more in a weather proof, attractive and secure housing.
Clenergy’s SJB research and development team designed the product with performance and functionality in mind. The product demonstrates functionality, smart design and quality which is incorporated into an economical and robust package. It is furthermore developed with keeping future developments in mind and has therefore the ability to be modularly enhanced as requirements change.
When talking about the SJB’s biggest advantage, Mr. Matika said: “It has one of the most advanced monitoring and service packages available today.” Clenergy understands what matters most for solar farm investors and owners. Therefore it brought local partners on board for site monitoring to ensure the seamless integration of the software solution with Clenergy’s SJB.
“Our combination of the Clenergy SJB hardware and the local partner software, delivers cutting edge real-time monitoring service and accurate PV generation reports to our clients,” said Mr. Matika.
The Clenergy SJB series debuted at October’s PV EXPO (Osaka) and received wide acclaim from developers, EPC and installation specialists. The product has recently been installed at a 2.5MW solar farm in Kanegasaki, Japan, in conjunction with Clenergy’s SolarTerrace III ground mount system.
Based on the results of the installation and market feedback, Clenergy SJB product team is now certain about SJB’s market potential in Japan. The team furthermore revealed that the product’s TÜV accreditation process is currently underway.
The Kanegasaki 2.5MW PV project utilizes Clenergy’s SolarTerrace III ground mount system and the new PV String Joint Box (SJB).