
Press Release Details

Clenergy Australia Strengthens Commitments in Climate Action with Greenfleet

CLENERGY Australia is pleased to announce its partnership with Greenfleet, a leading environmental non-profit organisation and Australia’s most trusted source of biodiverse carbon offset to take practical climate action. The partnership will further solidify Clenergy’s commitments to be a technology enabler for entities seeking carbon neutrality.Recognised nationally, Greenfleet plants native biodiverse forests to capture carbon emissions and help fight the impacts of climate change. Since 1997, Greenfleet has planted over 9.6 million trees across over 500 forests in Australia and New Zealand.

“At Greenfleet, we are restoring native forests and growing climate hope thanks to the contributions of our amazing supporters, just like Clenergy Australia,” said Wayne Wescott, CEO, Greenfleet.

“Year after year, individuals and organisations help Greenfleet plant more biodiverse native forests to capture carbon emissions, and it is their continuous support which makes a tangible and positive difference to the environment,” added Mr Wescott.

With Clenergy Australia’s generous support, Greenfleet is able to plant enough native trees to absorb 32.00 tons of CO2-e on the company’s behalf.

“We are proud of the impact we are making. By offsetting our emissions with Greenfleet, we are taking practical action against climate change and helping to restore Australia’s native forests and ecosystems, recreate crucial habitats for endangered wildlife and help counter the devastating impact of the bushfires. We are confident that our climate action provides genuine and lasting environmental benefits.”” said Vince Mobilio, VP Global Distribution, Clenergy Australia.

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